Per default all encrypted messages you send to your friends will additionally be encrypted using your own pub key. To re-activate OpenPGP handling defaults write DisableOpenPGPForReading -bool NO Disable encryption to self To deactivate OpenPGP handling defaults write DisableOpenPGPForReading -bool YES If for any reason you might not want GPGMail to handle your OpenPGP messages, To re-enable storing OpenPGP passwords in macOS keychain defaults delete DisableKeychain Disable handling of OpenPGP encrypted and signed messages To disable storing OpenPGP passwords in macOS keychain defaults write DisableKeychain -bool yes
#Remove gpg mail mac password
The option to store your password will be removed from the pinentry dialog and the setting in System Preferences > GPG Suite > Settings > Password will be disabled.
If you prefer to never store your OpenPGP passwords in macOS keychain, use the following setting. GPG Suite defaults to store OpenPGP passwords in macOS keychain. To delete the logs, delete the /private/var/log/system.log* files.Įnable Debugging defaults write DebugLog 1ĭisable Debugging defaults write DebugLog 0 Disable option to store password in macOS keychain This is important since otherwise decrypted messages may be logged and the log files would stay on your hard drive. Important: Make sure to disable debug logging right after finishing your debug session.
#Remove gpg mail mac how to
Visit the following KB-article: How to add an e-mail address to an existing public key Set S/MIME as default security method defaults write DefaultSecurityMethod -int 2 Add a mapping for a missing UID to a public key Set OpenPGP as default security method defaults write DefaultSecurityMethod -int 1 The default security method is only selected if you a key/certificate for the sender mail address.īy default OpenPGP is used, but you can change that with the following defaults command You like S/MIME better than OpenPGP and don't want to change the setting everytime? Get an overview of your current defaults defaults read Define default security method Allow encrypted messages without signing key being available.Disable handling of OpenPGP encrypted and signed messages.Disable option to store password in macOS keychain.Add a mapping for a missing UID to a public key.
#Remove gpg mail mac mac
Should the changes not work, restart your mac and double check the command was entered correctly. Make sure to restart after applying any command. If the GPGMail default behavior does not fit your needs the following commands can be used in to adjust the settings.